As some of you may know, there is a G8 Summit currently undergoing in Scotland. This is a meeting of the world's 8 greatest industrialized nations, they have just announced to pledge $50 billion in aid (AIDS, poverty, etc) in Africa for the next year. While this seems like a great number to the average person, in reality, it is not a gernerous amount. Take into account that the US spends nearly $300 billion a year on military expenditures ($276.7 billion, FY99) and then the $50 billion in aid for entire conitent is almost a discrace.
I feel people who are fortunate, and especially ones who are residents of the G8 countries, have an obligation to help people around the world who are born into intolerable poverty, famine, political violence, etc, These people are born into these circumstances which usually beyond their control, so it is our duty as human beings to help our bretheren. There are many charity oriented organizations around the world, so there it's excusable if does not act.
Arguablly the most trustworthy and widely-known is the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (, known localy as the the Red Cross ( But another very important, and with growing popularity is the ONE Campaign. It's main mission: To end world poverty. I fully endorse the ONE Campaign and have donated generously to them. Please go ahead to donate to any of these charities.
I also have the bracelets if anyone is interested.